Serge's Log: "The Long Stay (Saturn) ".
-Anya: You won't make it past the first set of rings...you'll kill yourself out there.
-Serge: The Atmosphere looks clear today. I think I can make it.
-Anya: Just look at the moons Serge, Titan is getting pummeled.
-Serge: Yes Any, but I have to get back... that meteor shower hasn't stopped for two years now.
-Anya: Well, I guess I'll have to find a way to keep you here for just a little longer.
-Anya: You won't make it past the first set of rings...you'll kill yourself out there.
-Serge: The Atmosphere looks clear today. I think I can make it.
-Anya: Just look at the moons Serge, Titan is getting pummeled.
-Serge: Yes Any, but I have to get back... that meteor shower hasn't stopped for two years now.
-Anya: Well, I guess I'll have to find a way to keep you here for just a little longer.