100 1/1 Post-photographic AI Collaborative Series
Artist - Director: Felipe Posada
Artist - Director: Felipe Posada
Daily.xyz - Post Photographic Perspectives II: Acceptable Realities is DAILY's second group show celebrating a new wave of innovation in AI video and photography.
“String Theory” embarks on an odyssey through the ethereal expanse of the Invisible Realm—a boundless space where intuition, memories, visions, and dreams converge to assume tangible visual form. Within this domain, “String Theory” emerges as a quantum plunge into a terrain I once identified as “The Edge of Reality.” Comprising ten narratives situated in an ostensibly divergent era, “String Theory” beckons us to dismantle our perception of reality, unraveling it into ethereal strands of color that resemble an infinite tapestry woven by the very fabric of our sensory encounters.
Below are a few examples, find the complete collection in Open Sea